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Latest News

Dreaming big: The children share their aspirations for the future

At Pilgrims, we are big believers that there is no limit to our ambitions. That’s why, as part of the Reception children’s autumn term topic ‘Me and My World’, we

What’s in store for Pilgrims Pre-Prep over the autumn term?

The new academic year has begun at Pilgrims Pre-Prep, and we are filled with excitement as we begin a journey of learning and discovery. Pilgrims’ Headteacher, Mrs Webster, explains a

Preparing for your first day back

After a great summer holiday, starting back at school can be a little daunting – but it also marks the start of an exciting new chapter for your child. Before

The end of another fantastic year

It has been a busy end to the summer term here at Pilgrims, with our children enjoying another great year packed full of fun and engaging activities. Here, Pilgrims’ Headteacher

Discovering nature at Pilgrims

Research has revealed that children’s wellbeing increases after they spend time connecting with nature. Here, our Headteacher, Jo Webster, explains the opportunities the children have to discover nature here at

It is National Vegetarian Week

It is National Vegetarian Week, which is the perfect reason to give vegetarian food a try. We asked our Catering Manager, Mrs Bhogal, for her top tips when considering being

Looking ahead to a summer fit for a king!

As the summer term begins here at Pilgrims, Headteacher, Mrs Webster, explains what each year group will be getting up to – including the school’s exciting coronation plans! Fresh from

It’s National Careers Week!

Have you ever wondered what it is like to have a career working with children? Wonder no more! To mark National Careers Week, Mrs Webster, Headteacher at Pilgrims, tells us

Meet Maisie! Introducing our school’s new Trainee Therapy dog

We are delighted to introduce you all to the latest addition to the Pilgrims family, our new therapy dog Maisie. Here, Mrs Morales, our Pastoral & SEND Co-Ordinator, and mum

MAIN SCHOOL 2024/25 admissions

Limited spaces are available in Reception and Year 1 from September 2024.  If you are interested in arranging a visit, please contact admissions@pilgrims-school.org.uk.  Admissions into Little Pilgrims 24/25 (under 2s) have now closed and places within Kindergarten and Pre School 24/25 remain extremely limited.  However, parents can, of course, contact Admissions via the link above to find out more.